This Is Our Story

The overall goal of the program is to provide comprehensive services to the victims of the crimes of domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assault/abuse, with special attention to each client’s individual needs without regard to the individual’s race, color, sexual preference, religion, or belief. In order to achieve this goal, the program is committed to:
Maintaining a long term plan that is sensitive to the needs of the victims through the expansion of existing services and development of innovative new services which appropriately address the need and demand;
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Providing access to free services for all victims without regard to their financial status;
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Maintaining support service that allow for on-going advocacy and client follow up;
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Maintaining comprehensive confidential record keeping.
Providing education and information to the community on the topics of domestic violence, child abuse, and sexual assault/abuse.
Providing training for law enforcement and social service on the topics of domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assault/abuse;
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Participation in networking with our community service providers in order to better serve and advocate on behalf of victims.
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Providing intervention with children through (a) counseling, (b) prevention, (c) support service, and (d) ongoing advocacy with law enforcement and the legal system.